I've had mixed feelings since Penzey's came to town a few months back. On the positive side, it is 5 blocks away and it's nice not having pay $6 for a spice when you only need $3 worth of it. On the negative side, the hours are a bit restrictive, the staff know the spices but don't seem to be creative cooks, and my secret mail order place is now exposed to everyone.
So really, the negatives aren't all that bad, and having them local has been great because it's a lot easier to be impulsive when the item is in hand and does not have to be shipped. So all this to say, I have been intrigued by their English Prime Rib Rub for years now. Unfortunately, I let Chris at Belmont Butchery convince me that beef only needs salt and pepper. Needless to say. I had to listen to Chris and it took me two years to actually buy the rub. And while salt and pepper are the perfect combo for grilled beef, the stuff is equally as perfect.
The rub hand-mixed from: salt, ground celery, sugar, Tellicherry black pepper, onion, garlic and arrowroot. I have only used it twice and both times it was on some beautiful hanger steaks. Both times I could feel the celery powder drawing me back for more. I think it really complimented the stronger flavor of the hangers.
So yes.... I am trite and a hypocrite because really I'll buy 85% of my spices at Penzey's from now on.
did you use that spice on the hangers we ate in DC?
Penzey's started as a mail order house and we've never been to their stores. But if you go by mail order, you pay shipping but avoid the whacky hours.
They also have a good magazine.
We went by there on Saturday for the first time. On one hand there are many, many things that I would ove to have. On the other hand many of them would probably sit and gather dust even though I would love to have them in my spice basket.
Really need to get the English Prime Rib Rub. Celery salt heaven!
I have to agree with Chris, at least for NY Strips. Only salt and pepper are needed.
I think the deciding factor on whether to use a rub/marinade is the quality of the meat. So Prime and Waygu or Grass-fed all are strictly salt and pepper. Choice ribeyes and strips are salt and pepper. Select anything is fair game. Random cuts of choice are also fair game.
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