Friday, September 26, 2008

Trying to Smoke a Brisket- Again

I have made several valiant attempts at smoking briskets, and all to often I can't seem to get over the hump from good to really good. There are probably several reasons why I seem to be OK at this exercise including quality of beef, use of an electric smoker, spice combinations, wood usage.

This time I tried the following preparation.

*Injected the briskets with Creole Butter
*Rubbed it with yellow mustard
*Combined various amounts of Lawry's Seasoning Salt, sugar, brown sugar, paprika, cumin, chili powder, and cayenne pepper
*Soaked Hickory and Cherry wood chips
*Used water and pomegranate juice in the basin

So it's been in the smoker for about 5.5 hours. A few more hours and we will be in business.


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The Marinara said...

update- it had good flavor, but it was still a bit dry on the inside. How do they keep it so moist?

Jeanne said...

You must baste it frequently and cook it even longer than you think! Here's a recipe my grandfather has used (with much success):

It's from Bon Appetit in 1999 and it got rave reviews (and still does). Enjoy!